Highland Catholic School Delivery

Thank you again to Mrs. Kathy Diffatte’s 4th grade class at Highland Catholic School of St. Paul, MN for hosting a LEGO drive for us! We just got the LEGO today, and I was shocked at the sheer quantity of LEGO that the class collected!

In one of the photos, we included a Campbell’s soup can for size comparison. Those boxes are massive!

Also, a special thank-you to the parent who sent us all of the LEGO. We really appreciate your help!

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Highland Catholic School LEGO Drive

We would like to extend our utmost gratitude to Mrs. Diffante’s 4th grade class at Highland Catholic School of St. Paul, Minnesota for hosting a LEGO drive for us! We are truly inspired by all of your hard work.

A special shout out to Ben – you rock dude! (:
